Seldom in a dance career are both the process and the product a success. Creation can be tough, friction can develop between dancers, choreographers can encounter crises of confidence, and even though all involved certainly want what they are making to be a work they are proud of, the truth remains that not all dance is great. Having experienced this as a dancer and as a choreographer it would be easy to apply this logic to everything: a simple pregnancy is not a guarantee of a simple birth, just because a meal is delicious doesn't mean it can't make you sick, and what seems like a good idea on paper may not work in real life. It would be easy to stop there and never get anything done, but then, we wouldn't be dancers.
Dancers aim to soar in defiance of gravity, to visually embody sound, and to speak with movement rather than words. We aim to achieve what is beyond the scope of normal human existence, all while trying to demonstrate the best and the worst of the human condition.
It is with this background, this perhaps fortunate history that we embark on our next venture, knowing that failure is an option but that never trying is not.
We are excited to announce that come this June, San Luis Obispo and the surrounding communities will have a new mecca for training in dance and movement. Located at 2074 Parker St., the
Movement Arts Center will be the premier facility for developing dancers as well as movers and shakers of all ages. With a curriculum based ballet program, ancillary classes in jazz and contemporary, yoga, and adaptive dance, we think we can make a difference and we think you can too.
So if you are a student of ours, a friend, a family member, a resident of SLO who cares about the arts, or even just a random individual who wants to be a part of what we are doing, subscribe to this blog.
We are eager to share the process with you. We want to do this because we hope that the Movement Arts Center will become your home too, and
the home for dance on the Central Coast. And, unlike those many days spent in the studio wondering if the product would work or if the process was worth the work itself, we strive to believe that with your love and support we can have both. Why? Because we're dancers just like you.
Bring art to your movement, and movement to your life!
Ryan and Maartje Lawrence and the SLO Movement Arts Center.